For a family caring for a relative with a disability, the demands of caring can be greater than for other families. Parents, brothers and sisters of a person with a disability need the same opportunities for relaxation as anyone else. Yet these families often have difficulty finding someone to care for their relative while they have time out, spend time with other children, or carry out other responsibilities.
This service provides temporary accommodation and supports for people in crisis situations until permanent accommodation
solutions can be sought. Contribution for food and lodgings required.
Centre Based Respite – Flexible respite for Adults aged between 18-65 years living in the Logan area. Offering day/overnight respite, weekend camps and emergency respite. Contribution for food and lodgings required.
Aging Carer Respite – Respite options are available for people whose primary carer is over the age of 60 years and indigenous carers over 45 years old. Respite consists of 3 days and 2 nights – on a bimonthly roster or as negotiated with families. Contribution for food and lodgings required.
Children’s Flexible Respite – Flexible respite options for children aged between 0-12 years. The service provides opportunities for children to develop skills for academic achievement, promote their participation, and assist with skills and support to thrive in mainstream care and education settings such as child care, health services, kindergarten, prep, and school.Contribution for food and lodgings required.
Vacation Care – Day and overnight respite and camps for school aged children during the school vacation period.
Contribution for food and lodgings required.
Centre Based Respite – Flexible respite for children aged between 6-18 years living in the Logan area. Offering day/overnight and emergency respite to families in need. Contribution for food and lodgings required.